by Debra Claffey | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
So, now it has two more layers, wax-based oil painting and then a layer of graphite drawing. It’s developing. It usually has to sit for a while, before I know what to do next. I’m saving this one for a painting demo next week. ← Layering the Layers...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 27, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
A few posts back I started to write a bit about demonstrating painting processes. The main item of interest seems to be the layering of painting and drawing. So I bring pieces in various stages of completion to show how the next layer in a series of layers might go...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 21, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Exhibitions, Updates
This personal favorite has been selected by juror Judith Brodsky, a personal hero, for the Fifth National Monotype/Monoprint Juried Exhibition, at The Art Complex Museum: May 6 – September 2, 2018. Yeay! Indigo and Ice, No. 6, monotypes, encaustic, oil, on...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 16, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Exhibitions, Updates
This little 8″ x 8″ piece is going to Gallery Blink for their Impressions exhibition. Passionflower Leaf Variation on panel. April 13 – May 6, 2018 Gallery Blink 1963 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, Mass. ← Cabin Fever Indigo and Ice #6...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 14, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
Cabin fever. . Waiting for snow to melt. Waiting for paint to dry. Another teeny 2″ x 2″. Thanks for the little mats, Kate. ← Two by Two Impressions III...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 12, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
A friend gave me some pre-cut mats, with a 2 x 2-inch opening. I’m a big picture kind of person, and scaling my marks to this size seemed out of the realm of possibility. So I scrounged through samples from my Introducing Cold Wax Painting workshop, playing with...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 9, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
This third or fourth Spring nor’easter is crampin’ my style. I was scheduled to do a painting demonstration for a local art association and the weather just insisted on changing our minds.We’ll do it later in the year, for sure. But I thought...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 6, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Thoughts, Updates, Works-in-progress
I am working with a poet on a project for NH Women’s Caucus for Art called Text and Textiles. Eleven New Hampshire poets have selected eleven WCA/NH visual artists for a collaborative project called Text and Textiles. This project was conceived by...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 2, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
This one is complete but as yet untitled. It’s the second in a new series with these collaged vertical and horizontal bars. The print impression of the blue star fern leaves enliven the push-pull of the spaces in a good way. I feel you can wander around in the...
by Debra Claffey | Mar 1, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
I wonder where these visual ideas come from. Though the overall look of this feels very different from the rest of the series, I can see that the leaves and their negative spaces turned positive and the circles are elements from many other works. It’s all about...