Wonderful time teaching a two-day advanced mixed media painting workshop with the very talented DH Talman painting Sign up on my website, debraclaffey.com

I had a wonderful time teaching a two-day advanced mixed media painting workshop with the very talented Donna Hamil Talman painting. We focused on using cold wax techniques to further her abstract compositions. The two days gave us more opportunity to work with dry and semi-dry layers of paint for transparency and opacity, as well as incising to reveal earlier layers. Talman was kind enough to write a short review:

“After learning the basics about using cold wax as a medium, my needs change. I then want a teacher who understands what I am aiming for in whatever series I am working on. Feedback needs to focus on that, and Debra offers that as well as any teacher I have ever had. Our discussions are wide-ranging, from form to color to aesthetics and beyond. Each time I am with Deb in her plant- and light-filled large studio (a particular gift to me whose studio is cramped), I actively experience the benefits of her years of teaching cold wax and encaustic, as well as her 30+years of painting. I can bounce ideas off of her, and her feedback is in the form of suggestions. She hovers quietly, waiting until I ask for input or gently suggests something I might consider. All in all, she creates a rich and positive learning experience.”
