by Debra Claffey | Jul 22, 2021 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Workshops
Part interactive and live work time, part work-share and group crit, part Q & A and technique demonstration. We make these weekly 3-hour online.sessions what you need. Explore painting and drawing with oils, encaustic, cold wax medium, and/or R&F Blending...
by Debra Claffey | Dec 2, 2020 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Workshops
I’ve scheduled a new workshop on the Zoom platform with a slightly new format. Painting and Drawing and Everything in Between will run Fridays, beginning December 11, 2020. The three-hour class will be interactive with discussion, a demo, work time, ending with...
by Debra Claffey | Jun 5, 2019 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Events, Exhibitions
Very happy to be able to show a large painting in this Biennial. See the painting in the next post! June 22 – September 29, 20192019 Biennial Regional Jurors’ Choice Exhibition. An exhibition of works by 37 area artists selected by KarinaKelley and Bill Stelling of...
by Debra Claffey | Apr 10, 2019 | Updates
New prints going to the Center for Contemporary Printmaking Miniature Print Exhibition 2019. My 2 x 2 inch linocut, Night Bloomer #1, was...
by Debra Claffey | Jan 16, 2019 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
Another example of working with different surface textures: gloss encaustic and matte pigment stick, Grey-Green Study #3, encaustic, pigment stick, graphite on paper.9 x 9 inches ← A Detail Time for mounting paper to panel...
by Debra Claffey | Jan 1, 2019 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
I’m always short of room when I start pulling monotypes. That big yellow thing on the wall is a modular painting in progress, too wet to pile up just yet. These monotypes are studies for an idea I have for those cylinders. Stay tuned for further...
by Debra Claffey | Jun 27, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Updates, Works-in-progress
This is a new layer over a work in oil, wax, and graphite that I wasn’t satisfied with. It’s much better now with a new layer of transferred painting and drawing. Untitled, 2018, oil, wax, on Rives BFK paper, 24 x 24 inches ← Waiting For Paint To...
by Debra Claffey | Jun 10, 2018 | Events, Updates, Works-in-progress
This 12″x12″ monotype collage is going to Provincetown Art Association and Museum for their Silent Auction. Bids start at $125. PAAM is one of the oldest art associations in the country on panel ← Barbed Wire Waiting For Paint To Dry...zzzzz....
by Debra Claffey | Apr 14, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Events, Exhibitions, Updates
Indigo Ice with Pink, 2018, encaustic, oil, graphite, monotype on panel, 36″ x 36 They have found some room for this big one! Also for a few others, in a huge exhibition of printmakers’ works. Gallery Directors John and Gillian Ross say this:...
by Debra Claffey | Apr 13, 2018 | Blog--Making Something Out of Nothing, Exhibitions, Updates
A detail from Indigo Ice, No. 4, I am about to deliver it to the Art Complex Museum, in Duxbury, Mass., for the Monotype Guild of New England’s Monotype/Monoprint show. Fifth National Monotype/Monoprint Juried Exhibition The Art Complex Museum, Duxbury, Mass....